What people are saying about Tokyo Consulting Services and its CEO.

“I was somewhat skeptical in the beginning because I am rather on the stubborn side, which is one of the reasons why I was taking this session, in order to become more open minded. Paula certainly went beyond my expectations. The great thing about her is she listens attentively and yet, professionally. By encouraging me to explain to her the situation, she helped me realize what my fear is and what I am not happy about. She also applied some of the tools from leadership theory to help me organize my thoughts. She never pushed anything on me and instead just guided me through my journey to find my own value.”

Executive director in Legal Department of major global financial services firm

“Over the 15+ years in my career in finance, I have been told time and time again that I do a great job, I am the go-to person for issues, but the manner in which I deliver has always been in question. Each year as part of my review, feedback such as overly aggressive, over powering, tendency to not let others speak have always featured as development areas for me. Through the coaching I received from Paula, we really focused on the delivery of the message I am trying to get across while encouraging others to add their inputs as well as what areas cause me to lose my patience. I believe the partnership between Paula and myself helped solidify this 180 degree reversal on this feedback. The coaching was invaluable in helping me resolve the negative feedback, while still being the go-to person and helped me be a better mentor to others. You have to be receptive in doing your “homework” and this whole experience was a real eye opener for me and completely changed my approach to various difficult situations. I thank Paula for all the help she has given me.”

Director at Global Securities Firm

“Paula worked with a high potential candidate in my team who needed help. Initially I didn’t expect much to come out of this engagement. However after a few sessions, I began noticing significant changes in my candidate’s approach to problems and ability to express himself and take critical feedback. In fact the candidate shared some of the lessons learned and I was able to use it for my benefit as well. The candidate’s effectiveness in the team, his happiness at work and relationship with stakeholders dramatically changed. Paula is truly effective and caring. Thank you!”

Manager of a coachee at a global securities firm

“Paula played a critical role in expanding my career both laterally and vertically within my organization. Thanks to her, I was able to touch upon key development areas in self-management, people management, and team management. Dedication by Paula to understanding myself and taking advantage of the open conversations relating to real live cases, I was able to effectively exercise and more importantly recap the various trials we agreed on. What I had learned from the experience has stuck and remains an essential part of my professional career.”

Finance VP of major restaurant company

“Following an internally conducted 360 Degree Review, Paula sat with my staff member and spent many hours to ensure complete understanding and self-awareness. My staff member was very skeptical at first but, over time, learned to accept how others really perceived him. This alone was worth the investment. Paula and my staff member developed a comprehensive action plan that yielded positive results visible to peers and superiors. Co-Workers and Superiors noted a real difference in him and subsequently he was promoted to a Vice President. Overall, I view this process as very successful.”

SVP & CFO of International Brand

“I attended a presentation by Paula regarding using EQ in the workplace assuming before going in that it would be another boring presentation that I would never see the benefit. How wrong was I!
From the start Paula had the whole group interested and energised with her words and I felt myself getting more and more intrigued by what she had to say. I returned to my work with her words, advice and knowledge fresh in my head and started to make a conscious decision to use EQ as much as possible. Never before has EQ been used in the transport industry but that has changed and I use the knowledge every day. I’m pleased to say it has certainly made me calmer, more focused, less stressed and overall better at my job.”

Communications champion at major international public transportation company